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70-year-old Palestinian Woman Kept Behind Prison Bars in Syria

Published : 20-07-2018

70-year-old Palestinian Woman Kept Behind Prison Bars in Syria

A 70-year-old Palestinian woman has been held captive in Syrian detention centers for eight days running under the pretext that her son is affiliated with armed groups previously deployed in Yarmouk Camp.

The woman’s family said government patrols broke into her home and dragged her to an unidentified destination, adding that she has been diagnosed with chronic diseases and can barely move on her own.

AGPS documented the death of over 485 Palestinian woman and girls in Syria due to war-related incidents, while 106 others have been incarcerated in Syrian government jails.

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A 70-year-old Palestinian woman has been held captive in Syrian detention centers for eight days running under the pretext that her son is affiliated with armed groups previously deployed in Yarmouk Camp.

The woman’s family said government patrols broke into her home and dragged her to an unidentified destination, adding that she has been diagnosed with chronic diseases and can barely move on her own.

AGPS documented the death of over 485 Palestinian woman and girls in Syria due to war-related incidents, while 106 others have been incarcerated in Syrian government jails.

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