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Security Turmoil Marring Life of Palestinians from Syria in Lebanon

Published : 25-07-2018

Security Turmoil Marring Life of Palestinians from Syria in Lebanon

Palestinian refugees taking shelter in the Lebanese territories continue to sound distress signals over the security mayhem rocking refugee camps in Lebanon.

Scores of families who headed for Lebanon, fleeing deadly warfare in Syria, have been facing a dire situation in Lebanon-based refugee camps, particularly in Ein AlHilweh, as a result of the bloody clashes and uncontrolled circulation of weapons.

Dozens of families fled their camps; others have had their homes burned down; while several other families have had their property destroyed in Lebanon. The suspension of such vital services as health care and education has added bad to worse.

As a result, the number of Palestinians from Syria in Lebanon has remarkably shrunk back as life has gone unbearable in the territory.

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Palestinian refugees taking shelter in the Lebanese territories continue to sound distress signals over the security mayhem rocking refugee camps in Lebanon.

Scores of families who headed for Lebanon, fleeing deadly warfare in Syria, have been facing a dire situation in Lebanon-based refugee camps, particularly in Ein AlHilweh, as a result of the bloody clashes and uncontrolled circulation of weapons.

Dozens of families fled their camps; others have had their homes burned down; while several other families have had their property destroyed in Lebanon. The suspension of such vital services as health care and education has added bad to worse.

As a result, the number of Palestinians from Syria in Lebanon has remarkably shrunk back as life has gone unbearable in the territory.

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