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Shelling and Clashes at the Yarmouk Camp, And Water Desalination and a Well Activation Campaign for Securing Drinking Water in the Yarmouk Camp.

Published : 25-03-2015

Shelling and Clashes at the Yarmouk Camp, And 	Water Desalination and a Well Activation Campaign for Securing Drinking Water in the Yarmouk Camp.

Shelling and a number of shells targeted different places of the Yarmouk camp with no injuries, coincided with the outbreak of clashes between the armed groups affiliated to the Syrian opposition and the regular army alongside with the Palestinian factions loyal to it.

On the other hand, Palestine Charity Committee activated the water well located at Hamza mosquein Al Orouba area within the Yarmouk refugee camp in order to secure water for the people who suffer from continuous water cuts all around the camp for about 196 days, forcing them to almost completelyrely on artesian wellsalthough most of the artesian wells are contaminated with dust and sediment, which may cause many diseases especially those related to kidney disease.

 Many reliefactivistsinside the camprepeatedly warned of the spread of many diseases related to kidney disease, due to the content of the well water deposits.

Water and reformteam of the PRCS started its fifth campaign to sterilize drinking water in the Yarmouk refugee camp, and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has provided chlorine granules at the end of last year, then (UNRWA) provided 4000 grain earlier this month.

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Shelling and a number of shells targeted different places of the Yarmouk camp with no injuries, coincided with the outbreak of clashes between the armed groups affiliated to the Syrian opposition and the regular army alongside with the Palestinian factions loyal to it.

On the other hand, Palestine Charity Committee activated the water well located at Hamza mosquein Al Orouba area within the Yarmouk refugee camp in order to secure water for the people who suffer from continuous water cuts all around the camp for about 196 days, forcing them to almost completelyrely on artesian wellsalthough most of the artesian wells are contaminated with dust and sediment, which may cause many diseases especially those related to kidney disease.

 Many reliefactivistsinside the camprepeatedly warned of the spread of many diseases related to kidney disease, due to the content of the well water deposits.

Water and reformteam of the PRCS started its fifth campaign to sterilize drinking water in the Yarmouk refugee camp, and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has provided chlorine granules at the end of last year, then (UNRWA) provided 4000 grain earlier this month.

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