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Activists Call for Serious Response to Home Burglary in Yarmouk

Published : 19-09-2018

Activists Call for Serious Response to Home Burglary in Yarmouk

Activists have called on the Palestine Embassy and Palestinian factions in Damascus to urge the Syrian authorities to seriously work on halting the housebreaks and burglary targeting civilian homes in Yarmouk Camp.

The activists added that vandals deployed across three locations—AlMadraes, Street, AlMadares-Safad crossroads, and Palestine Street—have been burglarizing civilian homes.

Over recent days, the Syrian authorities have started clearing dedris from Yarmouk Camp, unblocking access out of and into Loubiya Street, AlThalatheen Street, and Palestine Street. Other thoroughfares will be opened in the next few days.

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Activists have called on the Palestine Embassy and Palestinian factions in Damascus to urge the Syrian authorities to seriously work on halting the housebreaks and burglary targeting civilian homes in Yarmouk Camp.

The activists added that vandals deployed across three locations—AlMadraes, Street, AlMadares-Safad crossroads, and Palestine Street—have been burglarizing civilian homes.

Over recent days, the Syrian authorities have started clearing dedris from Yarmouk Camp, unblocking access out of and into Loubiya Street, AlThalatheen Street, and Palestine Street. Other thoroughfares will be opened in the next few days.

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