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PLA Leadership Forces Palestinian Recruits to Join Bloody Hostilities South of Syria

Published : 02-10-2018

PLA Leadership Forces Palestinian Recruits to Join Bloody Hostilities South of Syria

Activists and families of Palestinian conscripts slammed the commanders of the Palestine Liberation Army (PLA) for pushing young men to fight alongside the Syrian government forces in AlSuweida desert, south of Syria, against their will.

In letters emailed to AGPS in response to the death of 13 Palestinian refugees in raging shootouts with ISIS militias near Teloul AlSafa town, in AlSuweida’s eastern desert, south of Syria, families and activists pointed the finger at the PLA leadership, most notably the army’s chief of staff Tareq AlKhadra.

Sometime earlier, Major General Tareq AlKhadra said nearly 6,000 conscripts have been fighting alongside PLA at over 15 sites across war-ravaged Syria.

AGPS has learned that PLA gunmen have joined the Syrian army across over 40 sites.

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Activists and families of Palestinian conscripts slammed the commanders of the Palestine Liberation Army (PLA) for pushing young men to fight alongside the Syrian government forces in AlSuweida desert, south of Syria, against their will.

In letters emailed to AGPS in response to the death of 13 Palestinian refugees in raging shootouts with ISIS militias near Teloul AlSafa town, in AlSuweida’s eastern desert, south of Syria, families and activists pointed the finger at the PLA leadership, most notably the army’s chief of staff Tareq AlKhadra.

Sometime earlier, Major General Tareq AlKhadra said nearly 6,000 conscripts have been fighting alongside PLA at over 15 sites across war-ravaged Syria.

AGPS has learned that PLA gunmen have joined the Syrian army across over 40 sites.

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