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2 PLA Fighters Killed in Syria Hostilities

Published : 04-10-2018

2 PLA Fighters Killed in Syria Hostilities

Two members of the Palestine Liberation Army (PLA)—Raed Nahar, from AlSabina Camp, and Essam Fuad Sendid, from Yarmouk Camp—died as they fought alongside the Syrian government forces against ISIS militias in Teloul AlSafa, in AlSweida’s desert, south of Syria.

According to AGPS data, 274 PLA gunmen have been pronounced dead since the outbreak of Syria’s warfare.

In appeals emailed to AGPS, Palestinian families and activists called on PLA’s military commanders and the Palestine Liberation Organization, among other warring parties, to cease forcing Palestinian refugee youth into joining raging hostilities across tension-stricken zones in Syria.

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Two members of the Palestine Liberation Army (PLA)—Raed Nahar, from AlSabina Camp, and Essam Fuad Sendid, from Yarmouk Camp—died as they fought alongside the Syrian government forces against ISIS militias in Teloul AlSafa, in AlSweida’s desert, south of Syria.

According to AGPS data, 274 PLA gunmen have been pronounced dead since the outbreak of Syria’s warfare.

In appeals emailed to AGPS, Palestinian families and activists called on PLA’s military commanders and the Palestine Liberation Organization, among other warring parties, to cease forcing Palestinian refugee youth into joining raging hostilities across tension-stricken zones in Syria.

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