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Palestinian Refugees across War-Torn Syria Sound Distress Signals over Systematic Security Crackdowns

Published : 05-10-2018

Palestinian Refugees across War-Torn Syria Sound Distress Signals over Systematic Security Crackdowns

Palestinian refugees taking shelter in such government-held refugee camps as Khan Dannun, Jaramana, AlSayeda Zeinab, AlAyedeen in Hama, AlAyedeen in Hums, AlRaml, Latakia, and AlNeirab in Aleppo, along with the re-captured camps of Khan Eshieh, AlHusainiya, AlSabina, and Yarmouk expressed deep concerns over the fallouts of the simmering crackdowns carried out by pro-government forces under the security guise.

Palestinian families said the situation in Syria-based refugee camps has been similar to the one endured by the Palestinians in Lebanon-based camps, where refugees have been robbed of their right to security and psycho-physical protection.

Since the outburst of the Syrian conflict in 2011, the Syrian authorities have tightened the noose around Palestinian refugee camps and set up hundreds of roadblocks to restrict movement inside and out.

A blockade imposed by the Syrian government forces on Yarmouk since mid-2013 until May 2018, when the government recaptured the camp, blocked civilians’ free access out of and into the area along with the entry of much-needed foodstuff, medicines, and vital equipment. 200 Palestinian refugees were pronounced dead as a result of the blockade, undernourishment, and medical negligence.

Similar cordons slapped on Daraa Camp, south of Syria, and AlAyedeen Camp in Hums have turned the shelters into open-air prisons. Government militias set up sand barriers and cement roadblocks at the main entrances to AlAyeeden Camp and surrounded the access roads with barbed wire. On June 21, 2015, the Syrian authorities established a metal wall separating residential neighborhoods in the camp from the university bloc to the west and other quarters to the east.

At the same time, abduction sweeps carried out by the government forces in AlRaml Camp in Latakia and break-ins into civilian homes have sparked widespread terror in the area. Palestinian youth caught in arrest sweeps are often forced into military conscription with the Palestine Liberation Army, forcing dozens to flee to other destinations.

Security checkpoints have also been regularly pitched in and around such refugee camps as Jaramana, AlAyedeen in Hama, and AlNeirab in Aleppo.

The Syrian authorities stepped up security crackdowns at the main entrances to Khan Eshieh, AlHusainiya, AlSayeda Zeinab and AlSabina camps. Pro-government militias deployed at checkpoints in AlAsayeda Zeinab Camp forced every Palestinian refugee passing through the area to obtain an entry card bearing his/her name. Those who headed for the camp to visit a relative of their own were also barred from reaching their destinations, unless an official permission is issued to that end. The guest has to inform the forces about the number of nights he/she intends to spend with the host family in order to be let in.

The Syrian authorities also issued a draft of instructions ruling that every family with an armed member should be forced out of the area and have all of its property seized; Every family with a missing breadwinner should receive a similar fate; Those taking shelter in rented houses or previously working in rented shops are not entitled to return to their rented property in the area; Shopkeepers are allowed to reopen their shops only if the exposed goods are purchased from merchants whose names figure on government-prepared lists.

Scores of families, activists, and journalists have had their homes blown up by pr-government forces.

According to AGPS data, 4,500 Palestinian refugees were forcibly deported from Khan Eshieh and Yarmouk camps to Syria’s northern province of Idlib following a reconciliation deal struck between the Syrian government and opposition outfits in Khan Eshieh and southern Damascus.

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Palestinian refugees taking shelter in such government-held refugee camps as Khan Dannun, Jaramana, AlSayeda Zeinab, AlAyedeen in Hama, AlAyedeen in Hums, AlRaml, Latakia, and AlNeirab in Aleppo, along with the re-captured camps of Khan Eshieh, AlHusainiya, AlSabina, and Yarmouk expressed deep concerns over the fallouts of the simmering crackdowns carried out by pro-government forces under the security guise.

Palestinian families said the situation in Syria-based refugee camps has been similar to the one endured by the Palestinians in Lebanon-based camps, where refugees have been robbed of their right to security and psycho-physical protection.

Since the outburst of the Syrian conflict in 2011, the Syrian authorities have tightened the noose around Palestinian refugee camps and set up hundreds of roadblocks to restrict movement inside and out.

A blockade imposed by the Syrian government forces on Yarmouk since mid-2013 until May 2018, when the government recaptured the camp, blocked civilians’ free access out of and into the area along with the entry of much-needed foodstuff, medicines, and vital equipment. 200 Palestinian refugees were pronounced dead as a result of the blockade, undernourishment, and medical negligence.

Similar cordons slapped on Daraa Camp, south of Syria, and AlAyedeen Camp in Hums have turned the shelters into open-air prisons. Government militias set up sand barriers and cement roadblocks at the main entrances to AlAyeeden Camp and surrounded the access roads with barbed wire. On June 21, 2015, the Syrian authorities established a metal wall separating residential neighborhoods in the camp from the university bloc to the west and other quarters to the east.

At the same time, abduction sweeps carried out by the government forces in AlRaml Camp in Latakia and break-ins into civilian homes have sparked widespread terror in the area. Palestinian youth caught in arrest sweeps are often forced into military conscription with the Palestine Liberation Army, forcing dozens to flee to other destinations.

Security checkpoints have also been regularly pitched in and around such refugee camps as Jaramana, AlAyedeen in Hama, and AlNeirab in Aleppo.

The Syrian authorities stepped up security crackdowns at the main entrances to Khan Eshieh, AlHusainiya, AlSayeda Zeinab and AlSabina camps. Pro-government militias deployed at checkpoints in AlAsayeda Zeinab Camp forced every Palestinian refugee passing through the area to obtain an entry card bearing his/her name. Those who headed for the camp to visit a relative of their own were also barred from reaching their destinations, unless an official permission is issued to that end. The guest has to inform the forces about the number of nights he/she intends to spend with the host family in order to be let in.

The Syrian authorities also issued a draft of instructions ruling that every family with an armed member should be forced out of the area and have all of its property seized; Every family with a missing breadwinner should receive a similar fate; Those taking shelter in rented houses or previously working in rented shops are not entitled to return to their rented property in the area; Shopkeepers are allowed to reopen their shops only if the exposed goods are purchased from merchants whose names figure on government-prepared lists.

Scores of families, activists, and journalists have had their homes blown up by pr-government forces.

According to AGPS data, 4,500 Palestinian refugees were forcibly deported from Khan Eshieh and Yarmouk camps to Syria’s northern province of Idlib following a reconciliation deal struck between the Syrian government and opposition outfits in Khan Eshieh and southern Damascus.

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