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Palestinian Refugee Pronounced Dead South of Syria

Published : 06-10-2018

Palestinian Refugee Pronounced Dead South of Syria

Palestinian refugee Husain Khaled Mansour, called Abu Amer Mansour, a former ISIS prince, died as he fought alongside ISIS militias against the Syrian government forces in Teloul AlSafa, in AlSuweida desert, south of Syria.

Abu Amer Mansour left Yarmouk Camp following a deal struck between ISIS and the Syrian government battalions. ISIS gunmen were made to retreat from southern Damascus to AlSuweida desert.

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Palestinian refugee Husain Khaled Mansour, called Abu Amer Mansour, a former ISIS prince, died as he fought alongside ISIS militias against the Syrian government forces in Teloul AlSafa, in AlSuweida desert, south of Syria.

Abu Amer Mansour left Yarmouk Camp following a deal struck between ISIS and the Syrian government battalions. ISIS gunmen were made to retreat from southern Damascus to AlSuweida desert.

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