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A Number of Medical Cases Leave the Yarmouk Camp, and Relief Aid Distribution to the Civilians in Yarmouk.

Published : 28-03-2015

A Number of Medical Cases Leave the Yarmouk Camp, and Relief Aid Distribution to the Civilians in Yarmouk.

About 30 medical cases lift the Yarmouk camp in Damascus to receive treatment outside the cam after being allowed by the regular army checkpoints and PFGC groups. It is mentioned that all the hospitals and clinics of the camp stopped working except for Palestine Hospital, which works with its minimum capacity because of the acute shortage of medical cadres and materials inside the camp. 

UNRWA resumed the distribution of its aid to the besieged civilians inside the camp for more than 629 days.

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About 30 medical cases lift the Yarmouk camp in Damascus to receive treatment outside the cam after being allowed by the regular army checkpoints and PFGC groups. It is mentioned that all the hospitals and clinics of the camp stopped working except for Palestine Hospital, which works with its minimum capacity because of the acute shortage of medical cadres and materials inside the camp. 

UNRWA resumed the distribution of its aid to the besieged civilians inside the camp for more than 629 days.

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