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3 Palestinians Die Due to Torture in the Prisons of the Syrian Regime, Including a Young Woman from Al-Raml Camp in Latakia.

Published : 28-03-2015

3 Palestinians Die Due to Torture in the Prisons of the Syrian Regime, Including a Young Woman from Al-Raml Camp in Latakia.

The photos of each of the two refugees, "Abdurrahman Mawed" and "Tariq Abu Hussain" from the Yarmouk camp were identified within thousands of leaked photos, which leaked early last month, for the victims of torture and enforced disappearance in the Syrian regime's prisons. It is mentioned that "Abu Hussein "was detained for more than a year from Al Maidan area in Damascus under the pretext of the similarity of names.

Meanwhile, the Palestinian refugee woman "Yasmin Ahmed Abdul Baqi," 22 years from Al-Raml camp in Lathakia also died due to torture in the Syrian prisons. She was arrested while the Syrian security services broke into the camp on charges of helping the injuries in the camp in 2011. AL-Raml camp was in the interface of events in Syria after the Syrian regime forces bombed and broke into it inMid-August of 2011.

It is noteworthy that the toll of the victims of torture in the Syrian prisons increased since the start of the events of the war to 357, according to the AGPS statistic, while 819 detainees are still in prisons and their names were documented by the AGPS while there fate is unknown until now.

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The photos of each of the two refugees, "Abdurrahman Mawed" and "Tariq Abu Hussain" from the Yarmouk camp were identified within thousands of leaked photos, which leaked early last month, for the victims of torture and enforced disappearance in the Syrian regime's prisons. It is mentioned that "Abu Hussein "was detained for more than a year from Al Maidan area in Damascus under the pretext of the similarity of names.

Meanwhile, the Palestinian refugee woman "Yasmin Ahmed Abdul Baqi," 22 years from Al-Raml camp in Lathakia also died due to torture in the Syrian prisons. She was arrested while the Syrian security services broke into the camp on charges of helping the injuries in the camp in 2011. AL-Raml camp was in the interface of events in Syria after the Syrian regime forces bombed and broke into it inMid-August of 2011.

It is noteworthy that the toll of the victims of torture in the Syrian prisons increased since the start of the events of the war to 357, according to the AGPS statistic, while 819 detainees are still in prisons and their names were documented by the AGPS while there fate is unknown until now.

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