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The Siege Victims Toll in the Yarmouk Camp Raises to 173 Victims

Published : 30-03-2015

The Siege Victims Toll in the Yarmouk Camp Raises to 173 Victims

The toll of the siege victims raised yesterday in the Yarmouk camp in Damascus to (173) after the death of the refugee "Mohammed Jamal Mohammed Ali" due to the acute shortage of medical services suffered by the camp because of the continuation of the regular army siege and groups of the Popular Front - General Command on the camp, What led to the suspension of all hospitals and clinics except for Palestine Hospital that works with its minimum capacity.

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The toll of the siege victims raised yesterday in the Yarmouk camp in Damascus to (173) after the death of the refugee "Mohammed Jamal Mohammed Ali" due to the acute shortage of medical services suffered by the camp because of the continuation of the regular army siege and groups of the Popular Front - General Command on the camp, What led to the suspension of all hospitals and clinics except for Palestine Hospital that works with its minimum capacity.

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