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Jafra Foundation Continues its Campaign of "Water Drop" inside the Yarmouk Camp.

Published : 31-03-2015

Jafra Foundation Continues its Campaign of "Water Drop" inside the Yarmouk Camp.

Jafra volunteer team continue to provide its relief services to the besieged people of the Yarmouk camp for about 632 days respectively, as the team continues the campaign of "Water Drop" in order to deliver water to the homes of the camp and houses of worship, and in order to alleviate the suffering of the camp's residents who complain about the continued cut of water for more than seven and a half months.

It is noteworthy that Jafra Foundation has previously reclaimed and operatedfour wells inside the camp and reformed two pumps to be used to extract water, as well as it created five water storage points across the camp, especially in remote areas, in addition to sterilized water in order to become valid to drink.

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Jafra volunteer team continue to provide its relief services to the besieged people of the Yarmouk camp for about 632 days respectively, as the team continues the campaign of "Water Drop" in order to deliver water to the homes of the camp and houses of worship, and in order to alleviate the suffering of the camp's residents who complain about the continued cut of water for more than seven and a half months.

It is noteworthy that Jafra Foundation has previously reclaimed and operatedfour wells inside the camp and reformed two pumps to be used to extract water, as well as it created five water storage points across the camp, especially in remote areas, in addition to sterilized water in order to become valid to drink.

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