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Assassination of Hamas Leader in the Yarmouk Camp.

Published : 31-03-2015

Assassination of Hamas Leader in the Yarmouk Camp.

The AGPS correspondent at the Yarmouk camp south of the Syrian capital Damascus reported news about the assassination of a Hamas' leader in the Yarmouk camp by unknown group opened fire on" Yahya Abdullah Hourani Abu Suhaib, "the Hamas leader in the Yarmouk refugee camp, near Al Taj chicken shop while he was on his way to work at Palestinehospital. He was shot on the head and was transferred to the intensive care unit in Palestine hospital, according to a statement of the medical staff, " Hourani " came to the hospital in a serious condition, which summoned to take him to Jaffahospital outside the camp because of his critical condition and the lack of medicines and medical supplies.

It is noteworthy that "Hourani" is from Al Aedein camp in Homs and he is an accredited International Trainer of the ICRC, the responsible of development and training in Palestine Charity Committee, and a leading relief and development work figures in the Yarmouk refugee camp, as he worked to alleviate his people's suffering and helped them to get out of their crisis. He  is considered one of the most prominent figures who demanded to break the siege ofthe Yarmouk camp and to neutralize it by the conflict in Syria and also demanded the return to its residents.

"Hourani" lived the period of Beirut siege and after the invasion he moved to Bisan Hospital in Homs, where he founded and developed the operating room and  the nursing staff, then he returned to Lebanon in 1988 and worked in the Nazareth Hospital and founded the volunteer corps and was seconded to work and training with The ICRC and the PRC, he is the responsible of the  development and training in Palestine Charity Committee and has been fielded by the Association of Muslim Scholars to Somalia in order to establish medical and relief projects there.

In turn, the AGPS monitoring and documentation team revealed that the assassination of "Hourani" raise the toll of activists who were assassinated inside the camp to nine activists; they are: Baha Saqr, a member of the Yarmouk People's League, the activists Ahmed Al-Sahli, Abdullah Badr, Ali Al Hajja, Mohammad Yousuf Ariesha, Director of the relief office in the camp, Mohammed Tirawih, Fatah representative in the Yarmouk refugee camp, Nemer  Hussein, a member of the Civil Council for the Yarmoukcamp, and Firas Hussein Al Naji, the official of Basma Association in the Yarmouk refugee camp. The AGPS noted that the camp has witnessed a failed assassination attempt against the activist Mohammed Taha, in addition to a failed assassination attempt against the relief activist Abdullah al-Khatib.

It should be noted that in front of the security chaos and the absence of a legal and security that prosecute offenders in the besiegedYarmouk camp,the assassination operations recorded against X.

For its part, "Hamas" movement issued a statement on its official website to mourn "Yahya Hourani" (Abu Suhaib) one of its leaders in the Yarmouk refugee camp, who was assassinated on Monday, 30th of March 2015.

The statement pointed out that "Al-Hourani," who remained in the besiegedYarmouk refugee camp, since the plight of the Yarmouk camp he workedsilently to serve the Palestinian people and has adistinct relief and medicalrole. He helped hundreds of wounded and trained hundreds of paramedics, nurses, and was truly a knight of the camp and he was a figure according to the statement.

The statement confirmed that the blood of the martyr and all the martyrs of the Palestinian refugee camps in Syria will remain a curse chasing murderers and criminals.

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The AGPS correspondent at the Yarmouk camp south of the Syrian capital Damascus reported news about the assassination of a Hamas' leader in the Yarmouk camp by unknown group opened fire on" Yahya Abdullah Hourani Abu Suhaib, "the Hamas leader in the Yarmouk refugee camp, near Al Taj chicken shop while he was on his way to work at Palestinehospital. He was shot on the head and was transferred to the intensive care unit in Palestine hospital, according to a statement of the medical staff, " Hourani " came to the hospital in a serious condition, which summoned to take him to Jaffahospital outside the camp because of his critical condition and the lack of medicines and medical supplies.

It is noteworthy that "Hourani" is from Al Aedein camp in Homs and he is an accredited International Trainer of the ICRC, the responsible of development and training in Palestine Charity Committee, and a leading relief and development work figures in the Yarmouk refugee camp, as he worked to alleviate his people's suffering and helped them to get out of their crisis. He  is considered one of the most prominent figures who demanded to break the siege ofthe Yarmouk camp and to neutralize it by the conflict in Syria and also demanded the return to its residents.

"Hourani" lived the period of Beirut siege and after the invasion he moved to Bisan Hospital in Homs, where he founded and developed the operating room and  the nursing staff, then he returned to Lebanon in 1988 and worked in the Nazareth Hospital and founded the volunteer corps and was seconded to work and training with The ICRC and the PRC, he is the responsible of the  development and training in Palestine Charity Committee and has been fielded by the Association of Muslim Scholars to Somalia in order to establish medical and relief projects there.

In turn, the AGPS monitoring and documentation team revealed that the assassination of "Hourani" raise the toll of activists who were assassinated inside the camp to nine activists; they are: Baha Saqr, a member of the Yarmouk People's League, the activists Ahmed Al-Sahli, Abdullah Badr, Ali Al Hajja, Mohammad Yousuf Ariesha, Director of the relief office in the camp, Mohammed Tirawih, Fatah representative in the Yarmouk refugee camp, Nemer  Hussein, a member of the Civil Council for the Yarmoukcamp, and Firas Hussein Al Naji, the official of Basma Association in the Yarmouk refugee camp. The AGPS noted that the camp has witnessed a failed assassination attempt against the activist Mohammed Taha, in addition to a failed assassination attempt against the relief activist Abdullah al-Khatib.

It should be noted that in front of the security chaos and the absence of a legal and security that prosecute offenders in the besiegedYarmouk camp,the assassination operations recorded against X.

For its part, "Hamas" movement issued a statement on its official website to mourn "Yahya Hourani" (Abu Suhaib) one of its leaders in the Yarmouk refugee camp, who was assassinated on Monday, 30th of March 2015.

The statement pointed out that "Al-Hourani," who remained in the besiegedYarmouk refugee camp, since the plight of the Yarmouk camp he workedsilently to serve the Palestinian people and has adistinct relief and medicalrole. He helped hundreds of wounded and trained hundreds of paramedics, nurses, and was truly a knight of the camp and he was a figure according to the statement.

The statement confirmed that the blood of the martyr and all the martyrs of the Palestinian refugee camps in Syria will remain a curse chasing murderers and criminals.

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