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8 Palestinian Refugees Die due to Torture in the Prisons of the Syrian Regime Including a Pregnant Woman.

Published : 01-04-2015

8 Palestinian Refugees Die due to Torture in the Prisons of the Syrian Regime Including a Pregnant Woman.

Eight Palestinian victims died due to torture in the Syrian prisons, including five of them were identified through the leaked images of the victims of torture in Syrian prisons. They are:

The brothers Nidal Jihad Saadeya and Yamen Jihad Saadeya,  Nour Ghbari, Yasser Ibrahim Jouda from the Yarmouk refugee camp, and" Hussein Abu Tion '' a PLA recruit from Dmr area, where he died after being detained for more than two years.

 Three women died due to torture; they are: the Palestinian refugee '' Nadine Abu Salah, '' 22 years resident of Al Tadamon neighborhood in Damascus, after being detained for a year and a half, as she was a five month pregnant before her arrest and her ID was delivered to their family. Meanwhile the sisters Hanein Adel Abu Al Haijaa 20 years and Lina Adel Abu Al Haijaa 23 years were also died after being detained for two years and a half; they are from Damascus and their IDs were delivered to their family.

The AGPS statistic for victims of tortures increased to "376" Palestinian victims.

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Eight Palestinian victims died due to torture in the Syrian prisons, including five of them were identified through the leaked images of the victims of torture in Syrian prisons. They are:

The brothers Nidal Jihad Saadeya and Yamen Jihad Saadeya,  Nour Ghbari, Yasser Ibrahim Jouda from the Yarmouk refugee camp, and" Hussein Abu Tion '' a PLA recruit from Dmr area, where he died after being detained for more than two years.

 Three women died due to torture; they are: the Palestinian refugee '' Nadine Abu Salah, '' 22 years resident of Al Tadamon neighborhood in Damascus, after being detained for a year and a half, as she was a five month pregnant before her arrest and her ID was delivered to their family. Meanwhile the sisters Hanein Adel Abu Al Haijaa 20 years and Lina Adel Abu Al Haijaa 23 years were also died after being detained for two years and a half; they are from Damascus and their IDs were delivered to their family.

The AGPS statistic for victims of tortures increased to "376" Palestinian victims.

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