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Shelling Targets the Only Hospital in the Yarmouk Camp and Injures a number of its Cadres.

Published : 02-04-2015

Shelling Targets the Only Hospital in the Yarmouk Camp and Injures a number of its Cadres.

Palestine hospital was bombed with a number of shells, wounding a number of cadres, and states that the hospital, which was shelled, is the only hospital left for the people of the camp, where the siege imposed by the regular army and PFGC groups has led to the stop of all hospitals and clinics.

Activists stated to the AGPS that the source of the bombing was from the areas controlled both ISIS in Al Hajar Al Aswad area and the regime at the entrances of the Yarmouk refugee camp.

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Palestine hospital was bombed with a number of shells, wounding a number of cadres, and states that the hospital, which was shelled, is the only hospital left for the people of the camp, where the siege imposed by the regular army and PFGC groups has led to the stop of all hospitals and clinics.

Activists stated to the AGPS that the source of the bombing was from the areas controlled both ISIS in Al Hajar Al Aswad area and the regime at the entrances of the Yarmouk refugee camp.

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