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"Aknaf Bait Al Maqdes" Brigades Face ISIS and Force them to Withdraw from Some Neighborhoods in the Yarmouk Camp.

Published : 02-04-2015

"Aknaf Bait Al Maqdes" Brigades Face ISIS and Force them to Withdraw from Some Neighborhoods in the Yarmouk Camp.

Violent battles by Aknaf Bait Al Maqdes Brigades yesterday after ISIS groups tried to break into the camp and terrorize the people, the battles began yesterday afternoon and was facilitated by Al Nusra Front which was claims that itwas dispute with "ISIS." Activists reported that Al Nusra Front has handed over its areas to ISIS without any clashes; those areas formed the basis for ISIS to attack the rest of the Yarmouk areas.

ISIS broke into the camp in conjunction with the heavy shelling targeted different areas of the camp at Al KhamastaashStreet where ISIS controls one of the main headquarters of Al Nusra Front, and then control over large areas of Al Khamastaash Street and some areas around it in addition to the vicinity of Palestine mosque.

Aknaf Bait Al Maqdes brigades were mobilized and forced ISIS groups to retreat and centere in the areas controlled by Al Nusra Front; the area around Palestine mosque and some areas near Al KhamastaashStreet.

For its part, Al Nusra Front has put many checkpoints in the vicinity of the Palestine square so as to prevent the arrival of any supplies to the camp by the opposition factions in the adjacent town of  Yelda.

At night, clashes renewed between Aknaf Bait Al Maqdes and ISIS in more than point, including the vicinity of electricity Company near Al KhamastaashStreet and the area around Palestinemosque.

In the meantime, groups of ISIS broke into a media headquarters inside the camp and looted its contents in an attempt to prevent the arrival of what is going on inside the camp to the media outside.

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Violent battles by Aknaf Bait Al Maqdes Brigades yesterday after ISIS groups tried to break into the camp and terrorize the people, the battles began yesterday afternoon and was facilitated by Al Nusra Front which was claims that itwas dispute with "ISIS." Activists reported that Al Nusra Front has handed over its areas to ISIS without any clashes; those areas formed the basis for ISIS to attack the rest of the Yarmouk areas.

ISIS broke into the camp in conjunction with the heavy shelling targeted different areas of the camp at Al KhamastaashStreet where ISIS controls one of the main headquarters of Al Nusra Front, and then control over large areas of Al Khamastaash Street and some areas around it in addition to the vicinity of Palestine mosque.

Aknaf Bait Al Maqdes brigades were mobilized and forced ISIS groups to retreat and centere in the areas controlled by Al Nusra Front; the area around Palestine mosque and some areas near Al KhamastaashStreet.

For its part, Al Nusra Front has put many checkpoints in the vicinity of the Palestine square so as to prevent the arrival of any supplies to the camp by the opposition factions in the adjacent town of  Yelda.

At night, clashes renewed between Aknaf Bait Al Maqdes and ISIS in more than point, including the vicinity of electricity Company near Al KhamastaashStreet and the area around Palestinemosque.

In the meantime, groups of ISIS broke into a media headquarters inside the camp and looted its contents in an attempt to prevent the arrival of what is going on inside the camp to the media outside.

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