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Humanitarian Disaster Threats the Yarmouk Camp.

Published : 03-04-2015

Humanitarian Disaster Threats the Yarmouk Camp.

Activists insured that a humanitarian disaster is about to happen in the camp where all hospitals are stopped working especially after the control of ISIS over Palestine hospital which is the only hospital in the camp that works with its minimum capacity, this obliged the activists to treat their injured people in primary ways and methods. The checkpoints of the Regular Army increased their suffering where they prevent the exit of the wounded people through the checkpoints to get treatment out of the camp. Moreover, Al Ezz Bin Abed Al Salam Brigade, which is affiliated to the Opposition, also prevented the wounded people to get out to Al Tadamon neighborhood to get treatment in its field hospitals.

The residents are still suffering of getting water due to the water system cut by the Syrian Regime on the houses for more than 200 days and the control of ISIS on some of the water distribution points.

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Activists insured that a humanitarian disaster is about to happen in the camp where all hospitals are stopped working especially after the control of ISIS over Palestine hospital which is the only hospital in the camp that works with its minimum capacity, this obliged the activists to treat their injured people in primary ways and methods. The checkpoints of the Regular Army increased their suffering where they prevent the exit of the wounded people through the checkpoints to get treatment out of the camp. Moreover, Al Ezz Bin Abed Al Salam Brigade, which is affiliated to the Opposition, also prevented the wounded people to get out to Al Tadamon neighborhood to get treatment in its field hospitals.

The residents are still suffering of getting water due to the water system cut by the Syrian Regime on the houses for more than 200 days and the control of ISIS on some of the water distribution points.

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