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15 Palestinian Refugees Killed following Breakaway from Pro-Gov’t Battalion in Syria

Published : 08-02-2019

15 Palestinian Refugees Killed following Breakaway from Pro-Gov’t Battalion in Syria

15 PLA members were pronounced dead after they broke away from the battalion. Several others were tortured to death in Syrian government jails.

The list includes Lieutenant Iyas Naimi, who died under shelling in Yarmouk Camp on July 30, 2013. Seven others died under torture: Handball coach Osama AlKhadra, Sergeant Muhammad Hamdan, commander Mohammed Farah, Abdul Rahman Khartabil, Ihab Mousa, Mohammed Fourani, and Ahmed Hawash.

Sergeant Major Mar’i AlMadani was executed by an opposition group in Yarmouk Camp on charges of insulting God. Khaled AlHasan died in clashes with ISIS militias in Yarmouk Camp. Basil Azzam was killed in a Russian aggression on Idlib.

Scores of Palestinian youths have been forced to join the PLA. Those who refuse forced conscription are often subjected to manhunt and imprisonment. Thousands of young men have fled the country in the hunt for a safer shelter.

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15 PLA members were pronounced dead after they broke away from the battalion. Several others were tortured to death in Syrian government jails.

The list includes Lieutenant Iyas Naimi, who died under shelling in Yarmouk Camp on July 30, 2013. Seven others died under torture: Handball coach Osama AlKhadra, Sergeant Muhammad Hamdan, commander Mohammed Farah, Abdul Rahman Khartabil, Ihab Mousa, Mohammed Fourani, and Ahmed Hawash.

Sergeant Major Mar’i AlMadani was executed by an opposition group in Yarmouk Camp on charges of insulting God. Khaled AlHasan died in clashes with ISIS militias in Yarmouk Camp. Basil Azzam was killed in a Russian aggression on Idlib.

Scores of Palestinian youths have been forced to join the PLA. Those who refuse forced conscription are often subjected to manhunt and imprisonment. Thousands of young men have fled the country in the hunt for a safer shelter.

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