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Victims until today


Two Palestinians Die in Syria One of them is a PLA Recruit

Published : 03-04-2015

Two Palestinians Die in Syria One of them is a PLA Recruit

The Palestinian refugee "Mohammed Saleh Isa" died due to wounded he attained after the clashes that broke out in the Yarmouk camp.

Meanwhile, the PLA recruit "Mahmoud Ahmed Qasim" also died at Tal Sawan area in the entrance of Doma city in Damascus suburb, raising the toll of the PLA victims that were documented by the AGPS to 120 victims, most of them died during military operations in Damascus suburb.

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The Palestinian refugee "Mohammed Saleh Isa" died due to wounded he attained after the clashes that broke out in the Yarmouk camp.

Meanwhile, the PLA recruit "Mahmoud Ahmed Qasim" also died at Tal Sawan area in the entrance of Doma city in Damascus suburb, raising the toll of the PLA victims that were documented by the AGPS to 120 victims, most of them died during military operations in Damascus suburb.

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