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Aknaf Bait Al Maqdes and the Youth of the Yarmouk Camp Face ISIS Groups and the Regime Groups' Attacks

Published : 03-04-2015

Aknaf Bait Al Maqdes and the Youth of the Yarmouk Camp Face ISIS Groups and the Regime Groups

Violent clashes still ongoing since the day before yesterday in the Yarmouk camp in Damascus after hundreds of ISIS members broke into the camp, as Aknaf Bait AL Maqdis brigades faced and prevented them of impose their control over the camp.

Violent clashes renewedyesterdaybetween "Aknaf" brigades and "ISIS" armed groups in the vicinity of Palestinemosque, AL Madares Street, Safed Street, and Ja'una area.

It is mentioned that activists insured the support of Al Nusra Front to ISIS where it prevented most of the forces to enter the camp such as Al Islam Army and Ababeel Huran forces and some groups succeeded to reach the camp where it formed with Aknaf Bait Al Maqdis a joint room to manage the battles against ISIS.

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Violent clashes still ongoing since the day before yesterday in the Yarmouk camp in Damascus after hundreds of ISIS members broke into the camp, as Aknaf Bait AL Maqdis brigades faced and prevented them of impose their control over the camp.

Violent clashes renewedyesterdaybetween "Aknaf" brigades and "ISIS" armed groups in the vicinity of Palestinemosque, AL Madares Street, Safed Street, and Ja'una area.

It is mentioned that activists insured the support of Al Nusra Front to ISIS where it prevented most of the forces to enter the camp such as Al Islam Army and Ababeel Huran forces and some groups succeeded to reach the camp where it formed with Aknaf Bait Al Maqdis a joint room to manage the battles against ISIS.

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