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Hamas Calls for Urgent Actions to Rescue the Yarmouk Refugee Camp

Published : 04-04-2015

Hamas Calls for Urgent Actions to Rescue the Yarmouk Refugee Camp

Hamas movement called to the need to urgently intervene to rescue the Yarmouk camp for Palestinian refugees in Syria after armed groups broke into it and torture its residents.

Dr. Ismael Redwan

Dr. Ismael Redwan, a leader of Hamas movement, said to "Quds Press Newspaper" "there is a serious tragedy in the Yarmouk camp that is besieged for years, and it has to stop as soon as possible."

He also called the PA, the PLO that has a representative in Damascus, and all the concerned parties to urgently intervene to rescue the Yarmouk residents.

Dr. Redwan demanded to avoid the Palestinian camps of the internal conflicts in the Arab countries, saying: "Our battle as Palestinians are with the occupation and the Palestinian people in the Diaspora should have honor and respect. They should becared on Arab lands for they are guests on their way back to Jerusalem and to Palestine."

He added: "We have to stop the massacres committed against our people in the besiegedYarmouk refugee camp and all parties should bear the responsibilities; he added that the Palestinian refugee camps are the title ofthe Palestinian refugees' issue and targeting them is targeting of the Palestinian cause.

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Hamas movement called to the need to urgently intervene to rescue the Yarmouk camp for Palestinian refugees in Syria after armed groups broke into it and torture its residents.

Dr. Ismael Redwan

Dr. Ismael Redwan, a leader of Hamas movement, said to "Quds Press Newspaper" "there is a serious tragedy in the Yarmouk camp that is besieged for years, and it has to stop as soon as possible."

He also called the PA, the PLO that has a representative in Damascus, and all the concerned parties to urgently intervene to rescue the Yarmouk residents.

Dr. Redwan demanded to avoid the Palestinian camps of the internal conflicts in the Arab countries, saying: "Our battle as Palestinians are with the occupation and the Palestinian people in the Diaspora should have honor and respect. They should becared on Arab lands for they are guests on their way back to Jerusalem and to Palestine."

He added: "We have to stop the massacres committed against our people in the besiegedYarmouk refugee camp and all parties should bear the responsibilities; he added that the Palestinian refugee camps are the title ofthe Palestinian refugees' issue and targeting them is targeting of the Palestinian cause.

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