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Aknaf Bait Al Maqdis Declares the beginning of ISIS Elimination out of the Yarmouk Refugee Camp

Published : 04-04-2015

Aknaf Bait Al Maqdis Declares the beginning of ISIS Elimination out of the Yarmouk Refugee Camp

Aknaf Bait Al Maqdes brigades announced through the microphones of Salah Al Dein mosque south of the Yarmouk camp that the operation of restore the Yarmouk camp has begun. Mr. Abu Hammam, a leader of Aknaf brigades announced through a sound record that Aknaf brigades are still resisting inside the camp and he promised to expel ISIS groups out of the camp.

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Aknaf Bait Al Maqdes brigades announced through the microphones of Salah Al Dein mosque south of the Yarmouk camp that the operation of restore the Yarmouk camp has begun. Mr. Abu Hammam, a leader of Aknaf brigades announced through a sound record that Aknaf brigades are still resisting inside the camp and he promised to expel ISIS groups out of the camp.

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