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Palestinian Authority in Ramallah Conducts Calles to Rescue the Yarmouk Camp

Published : 05-04-2015

Palestinian Authority in Ramallah Conducts Calles to Rescue the Yarmouk Camp

The Palestinian Authority Presidency in the Occupied West Bank affirmed that they have been making ‘intensive’ contacts with several Arab, international and humanitarian actors to save the Yarmouk residents, in the southern of Damascus, from the tragedy befalling them.

The Palestinian Presidency in a statement called not to drag Palestinians in Syria’s Yarmouk Refugees Camp in fighting among various armed groups. The statement also affirmed that it is necessary for Palestinians not to be embroiled in the ongoing fighting as well as not interfering in the internal affairs of Arab states.

The statement added that the presidency praised efforts made by the Palestine Liberation Organization to alleviate the suffering of the residents of the camp and to stop the gross interference in the camp by groups that will lead to destroy the camp and displacement of its residents.

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The Palestinian Authority Presidency in the Occupied West Bank affirmed that they have been making ‘intensive’ contacts with several Arab, international and humanitarian actors to save the Yarmouk residents, in the southern of Damascus, from the tragedy befalling them.

The Palestinian Presidency in a statement called not to drag Palestinians in Syria’s Yarmouk Refugees Camp in fighting among various armed groups. The statement also affirmed that it is necessary for Palestinians not to be embroiled in the ongoing fighting as well as not interfering in the internal affairs of Arab states.

The statement added that the presidency praised efforts made by the Palestine Liberation Organization to alleviate the suffering of the residents of the camp and to stop the gross interference in the camp by groups that will lead to destroy the camp and displacement of its residents.

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