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Euro-Med Observer for Human Rights Calles to Open Safe Humanitarian Pathways in Yarmouk Camp

Published : 05-04-2015

Euro-Med Observer for Human Rights Calles to Open Safe Humanitarian Pathways in Yarmouk Camp

The Euro-Med Observer warned of the “unprecedented humanitarian conditions” under which about 20,000 civilians including 3,500 children are living amid bombing and violent clashes since the Islamic State’s (IS) attempt to take over the camp last Wednesday that led to killing 12 people at least from the residents of the camp till now..

The Euro-Mediterranean Observatory called on the United Nations Relief and Work Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) along with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to work on opening humanitarian pathways for the camps’ inhabitants and to coordinate with the Syrian forces to evacuate dozens of the wounded.  

The Observer also addressed a message to the European Commission for Human Rights to pressure the Syrian regime, as being in charge of the camp and its refugees, in order to protect the Palestinian refugees and to lift the siege on the camp.    

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The Euro-Med Observer warned of the “unprecedented humanitarian conditions” under which about 20,000 civilians including 3,500 children are living amid bombing and violent clashes since the Islamic State’s (IS) attempt to take over the camp last Wednesday that led to killing 12 people at least from the residents of the camp till now..

The Euro-Mediterranean Observatory called on the United Nations Relief and Work Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) along with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to work on opening humanitarian pathways for the camps’ inhabitants and to coordinate with the Syrian forces to evacuate dozens of the wounded.  

The Observer also addressed a message to the European Commission for Human Rights to pressure the Syrian regime, as being in charge of the camp and its refugees, in order to protect the Palestinian refugees and to lift the siege on the camp.    

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