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Hamas Calles to Rescue the Palestinians of Syria

Published : 05-04-2015

Hamas Calles to Rescue the Palestinians of Syria

Hamas called in a statement, which the AGPS received a copy of it, to act immediately to rescue the Palestinian Refugees in the Yarmouk camp from siege and killing. It also affirmed that the Palestinian Refugees in the Damascus the Syrian Capital live in dangerous humanitarian situations with the continuation of siege that is imposed on them since two years which led to thousands of victims of its residents from hunger, thirst, illness and bombing, moreover, the remaining people are waiting death for what they are exposed to such as bombing and killing.

The bad Situation is increasing due to the invasion and aggression that the Yarmouk camp was exposed to since two days to control it and to change it to a battle field and fighting that the refugees don’t have any interest in it and their issue has nothing to do with it. Hamas’ Statement called to an immediate stop of fighting and save the innocent Palestinians blood and avoiding them more suffering and the statement also stressed on neutralizing the Palestinian camps from the ongoing war in Syria and they are guest looking for retiring back to their houses that they immigrated from. Hamas affirmed that it contacts several concerned parties to stop the bloodshed of the Palestinian innocent camp’s residents and it will continue those efforts till the end of camp’s tragedy.

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Hamas called in a statement, which the AGPS received a copy of it, to act immediately to rescue the Palestinian Refugees in the Yarmouk camp from siege and killing. It also affirmed that the Palestinian Refugees in the Damascus the Syrian Capital live in dangerous humanitarian situations with the continuation of siege that is imposed on them since two years which led to thousands of victims of its residents from hunger, thirst, illness and bombing, moreover, the remaining people are waiting death for what they are exposed to such as bombing and killing.

The bad Situation is increasing due to the invasion and aggression that the Yarmouk camp was exposed to since two days to control it and to change it to a battle field and fighting that the refugees don’t have any interest in it and their issue has nothing to do with it. Hamas’ Statement called to an immediate stop of fighting and save the innocent Palestinians blood and avoiding them more suffering and the statement also stressed on neutralizing the Palestinian camps from the ongoing war in Syria and they are guest looking for retiring back to their houses that they immigrated from. Hamas affirmed that it contacts several concerned parties to stop the bloodshed of the Palestinian innocent camp’s residents and it will continue those efforts till the end of camp’s tragedy.

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