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Violent Bombing Targets the Yarmouk Camp amid Clashes between ISIS and Aknaf Bait Al Maqdis

Published : 05-04-2015

Violent Bombing Targets the Yarmouk Camp amid Clashes between ISIS and Aknaf Bait Al Maqdis

Yarmouk Camp was exposed to violent bombing yesterday with rockets and explosive barrels which led to material damages in addition to a number of wounded people amongst the residents. The clashes continue between Aknaf Bait Al Maqdis alongside with the Yarmouk youth and ISIS members from the other side for the fourth day respectively.

The clashes wererenewed on Saturday on different axis between Aknaf Bait Al Maqdis and ISIS groups in the Camp, ISIS controls about 80% of the camp, where Aknaf Bait Al Maqdis declared its availability in the camp and denied all the news that talked about the control of ISIS over the whole camp.

The camp was exposed to violent bombing with mortar shells which caused a big damage in camp’s houses; the camp also witnessed displacement of dozens of families to the surrounding areas such as Yelda and Bebella amid fear of snipers in the streets.

Hundreds of wounded people inside the camp didn’t get the first aid and treatment and they stayed seized inside their houses due to sniping and clashes. In the same context, the PRCS was able to get few wounded people out of the camp to get treatment in light of the stop of all medical services inside the Yarmouk camp and the shortage of medical materials. All relief side stopped in the Yarmouk camp due to their fear of ISIS to kidnap their staff.

On the other hand, most of Yarmouk residents are besieged in their houses and they don’t have drinking water due to the water cut by the Syrian Regime since more than 200 days and the control of ISIS over the water distribution points. The residents renewed their frequent appeals to the ICRC and Red Crescent to immediately interfere to evacuate the wounded and to secure the medical materials rapidly.

On its turn, the AGPS stressed on the necessity to immediately act to put an end to the suffering of the besieged residents of the Yarmouk camp, which the humanitarian disaster started to in creasein the camp.

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Yarmouk Camp was exposed to violent bombing yesterday with rockets and explosive barrels which led to material damages in addition to a number of wounded people amongst the residents. The clashes continue between Aknaf Bait Al Maqdis alongside with the Yarmouk youth and ISIS members from the other side for the fourth day respectively.

The clashes wererenewed on Saturday on different axis between Aknaf Bait Al Maqdis and ISIS groups in the Camp, ISIS controls about 80% of the camp, where Aknaf Bait Al Maqdis declared its availability in the camp and denied all the news that talked about the control of ISIS over the whole camp.

The camp was exposed to violent bombing with mortar shells which caused a big damage in camp’s houses; the camp also witnessed displacement of dozens of families to the surrounding areas such as Yelda and Bebella amid fear of snipers in the streets.

Hundreds of wounded people inside the camp didn’t get the first aid and treatment and they stayed seized inside their houses due to sniping and clashes. In the same context, the PRCS was able to get few wounded people out of the camp to get treatment in light of the stop of all medical services inside the Yarmouk camp and the shortage of medical materials. All relief side stopped in the Yarmouk camp due to their fear of ISIS to kidnap their staff.

On the other hand, most of Yarmouk residents are besieged in their houses and they don’t have drinking water due to the water cut by the Syrian Regime since more than 200 days and the control of ISIS over the water distribution points. The residents renewed their frequent appeals to the ICRC and Red Crescent to immediately interfere to evacuate the wounded and to secure the medical materials rapidly.

On its turn, the AGPS stressed on the necessity to immediately act to put an end to the suffering of the besieged residents of the Yarmouk camp, which the humanitarian disaster started to in creasein the camp.

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