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After Five Days of Breaking into the Yarmouk, ISIS Fails to Impose Control over the Yarmouk Camp

Published : 06-04-2015

After Five Days of Breaking into the Yarmouk, ISIS Fails to Impose Control over the Yarmouk Camp

Heavy shelling targeted different areas of the Yarmouk camp yesterday evening causing substantial material damage, while sporadic clashes between ISIS groups and Aknaf brigades are still continue, where activists confirmed to the AGPS that Aknaf brigades positioning behind the cultural center in the camp, while ISIS failed to impose its control over the entire camp, as it still controls 80% of the camp.

News reported that ISIS kidnapped nearly 70 civilians, but the group was unable to assure the news because of the tense situation.

The humanitarian situation inside the camp continues to deteriorate, where all medical materials ran out from the camp, as dozens of relief organizations' activists headed to the nearby town of Yalda, for fear of being kidnapped by ISIS groups.

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Heavy shelling targeted different areas of the Yarmouk camp yesterday evening causing substantial material damage, while sporadic clashes between ISIS groups and Aknaf brigades are still continue, where activists confirmed to the AGPS that Aknaf brigades positioning behind the cultural center in the camp, while ISIS failed to impose its control over the entire camp, as it still controls 80% of the camp.

News reported that ISIS kidnapped nearly 70 civilians, but the group was unable to assure the news because of the tense situation.

The humanitarian situation inside the camp continues to deteriorate, where all medical materials ran out from the camp, as dozens of relief organizations' activists headed to the nearby town of Yalda, for fear of being kidnapped by ISIS groups.

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