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Two Palestinians Die in Syria, One of them By ISIS Fire in the Yarmouk Camp

Published : 06-04-2015

Two Palestinians Die in Syria, One of them By ISIS Fire in the Yarmouk Camp

The Palestinian refugee "Nasser Abbas" from the Yarmouk Camp was killed by a sniper shot near Al Orouba neighborhood while he was heading to buy food and water for his family, raising the toll of the Palestinian victims since ISIS entered the camp to 13 victims.

In another hand, "NatheirAkkam" from Handarat camp was also killed by a gun shot in Aleppo by the Regular Army members.

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The Palestinian refugee "Nasser Abbas" from the Yarmouk Camp was killed by a sniper shot near Al Orouba neighborhood while he was heading to buy food and water for his family, raising the toll of the Palestinian victims since ISIS entered the camp to 13 victims.

In another hand, "NatheirAkkam" from Handarat camp was also killed by a gun shot in Aleppo by the Regular Army members.

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