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Wide Popular Mobilization in Solidarity with the Suffering of the Yarmouk Residents

Published : 07-04-2015

Wide Popular Mobilization in Solidarity with the Suffering of the Yarmouk Residents

Solidarity vigils toke place in Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip, Nablus, Nahr Al Barid camp, the German capital of Berlin, and the Swedish city of Malmo to show solidarity with their besieged families in the Yarmouk refugee camp, and who are exposing to violent bombardment by air and ground attack from ISIS.

The participants demanded the Palestinian, the international institutions, human rights organizations, the RCIC committees,  and  UNRWA for urgent action to put an end to the suffering of the people of the Yarmouk refugee camp, to end their siege,to stop the bombing,  and to introduce emergency medical assistance to treat the wounded people.

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Solidarity vigils toke place in Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip, Nablus, Nahr Al Barid camp, the German capital of Berlin, and the Swedish city of Malmo to show solidarity with their besieged families in the Yarmouk refugee camp, and who are exposing to violent bombardment by air and ground attack from ISIS.

The participants demanded the Palestinian, the international institutions, human rights organizations, the RCIC committees,  and  UNRWA for urgent action to put an end to the suffering of the people of the Yarmouk refugee camp, to end their siege,to stop the bombing,  and to introduce emergency medical assistance to treat the wounded people.

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