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Shahid Institution Criticizes Inaction of Protecting the Palestinian Refugees in the Yarmouk Camp

Published : 07-04-2015

Shahid Institution Criticizes Inaction of Protecting the Palestinian Refugees in the Yarmouk Camp

The Palestinian institution for human rights "Shahid", issued a statement addressed the deteriorated medical situation in the Yarmouk camp, confirming that the inaction of protecting the Palestinian refugees in the Yarmouk camp will accelerate the termination of their presence in Syria.

The statement emphasized that the Palestinian presence in Syria has become endangered, and the failure to protect the people of the Yarmouk camp will accelerate ending the issue of Palestinian refugees in the diaspora, particularly in Syria, while the statement concluded by calling for neutralizing civilians and respect the rules of war in local conflicts, particularly Additional Protocol II to The four Geneva agreements of 1949, calling for the Syrian government to the need to open ports to enter the humanitarian relief assistance to the civilians.

The statement called all non-Palestinian armed groupsto leave the Yarmouk refugee camp, and to avoid the Palestinian refugee camps for the furnace of the conflict in Syria. In addition, Yarmouk camp or any other camp should not be an anchor for attacks against the Syrian government forces, and that the UNRWA to take more dynamic and effective role in order to help Palestinian refugees in Yarmouk.

The statement also stressed the need to have an effective international action through the International Committee of the Red Cross and other international organizations, and the PLO to assume its national serious role toward the Palestinian refugee camps in general and the Yarmouk refugee camp in particular, and to declare the national emergency.

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The Palestinian institution for human rights "Shahid", issued a statement addressed the deteriorated medical situation in the Yarmouk camp, confirming that the inaction of protecting the Palestinian refugees in the Yarmouk camp will accelerate the termination of their presence in Syria.

The statement emphasized that the Palestinian presence in Syria has become endangered, and the failure to protect the people of the Yarmouk camp will accelerate ending the issue of Palestinian refugees in the diaspora, particularly in Syria, while the statement concluded by calling for neutralizing civilians and respect the rules of war in local conflicts, particularly Additional Protocol II to The four Geneva agreements of 1949, calling for the Syrian government to the need to open ports to enter the humanitarian relief assistance to the civilians.

The statement called all non-Palestinian armed groupsto leave the Yarmouk refugee camp, and to avoid the Palestinian refugee camps for the furnace of the conflict in Syria. In addition, Yarmouk camp or any other camp should not be an anchor for attacks against the Syrian government forces, and that the UNRWA to take more dynamic and effective role in order to help Palestinian refugees in Yarmouk.

The statement also stressed the need to have an effective international action through the International Committee of the Red Cross and other international organizations, and the PLO to assume its national serious role toward the Palestinian refugee camps in general and the Yarmouk refugee camp in particular, and to declare the national emergency.

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