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Clashes Continue in the Yarmouk Camp amid Deteriorated Humanitarian Situation

Published : 07-04-2015

Clashes Continue in the Yarmouk Camp amid Deteriorated Humanitarian Situation

Heavy shelling targeted the Yarmouk camp yesterday, where huge explosions rocked different parts of it, causing huge material damage with no news about injuries.

Sporadic clashes broke out between the Aknaf brigades and ISIS groups who broke into the camp (6) days ago, without changing areas controlled by each of them, where ISIS groups are still control (80%) of ​​the camp.

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Heavy shelling targeted the Yarmouk camp yesterday, where huge explosions rocked different parts of it, causing huge material damage with no news about injuries.

Sporadic clashes broke out between the Aknaf brigades and ISIS groups who broke into the camp (6) days ago, without changing areas controlled by each of them, where ISIS groups are still control (80%) of ​​the camp.

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