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Clashes and Shelling Continue in the Yarmouk Camp.

Published : 08-04-2015

Clashes and Shelling Continue in the Yarmouk Camp.


Violent clashes broke out in the Yarmouk camp in the 7th day of ISIS breaking into the camp between Aknaf brigades alongside with the youth of the camp and ISIS members. The clashes concentrated at the axes of the Yarmouk high school for girls and Jalal Kaoush Street adjacent to Palestine Street as well as Al Orouba area near Yelda area. Meanwhile, heavy shelling targeted the old Martyrs Cemetery and the vicinity of Al Basil Hospital.

The number of victims since ISIS broke into the camp has reached to 20 victims, where the Palestinian refugee "Hussein Taha" from the Yarmouk camp died due to an explosive barrels that targeted his house on Monday 6th of April 2015, while the girl "Zainab Dagjistani," 12 years resident of Al Orouba neighborhood in the Yarmouk camp was also killed by a nipper shot.

The Palestinian refugee "Mohammed Obaid Qasim" died due to the lack of nutrition and medical care inside the Yarmouk camp raising the siege and starvation victims to 174 victims.

In terms of the relief aspect, Noor Association for Relief and Development and Jafra Foundation managed to enter four relief vehicles contain a number of food baskets through Babbila checkpoint - Sidi Miqdad, to Yalda area, where they will be distributed to the residents of the Yarmouk refugee camp who were displaced to the adjacent area of Yalda.

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Violent clashes broke out in the Yarmouk camp in the 7th day of ISIS breaking into the camp between Aknaf brigades alongside with the youth of the camp and ISIS members. The clashes concentrated at the axes of the Yarmouk high school for girls and Jalal Kaoush Street adjacent to Palestine Street as well as Al Orouba area near Yelda area. Meanwhile, heavy shelling targeted the old Martyrs Cemetery and the vicinity of Al Basil Hospital.

The number of victims since ISIS broke into the camp has reached to 20 victims, where the Palestinian refugee "Hussein Taha" from the Yarmouk camp died due to an explosive barrels that targeted his house on Monday 6th of April 2015, while the girl "Zainab Dagjistani," 12 years resident of Al Orouba neighborhood in the Yarmouk camp was also killed by a nipper shot.

The Palestinian refugee "Mohammed Obaid Qasim" died due to the lack of nutrition and medical care inside the Yarmouk camp raising the siege and starvation victims to 174 victims.

In terms of the relief aspect, Noor Association for Relief and Development and Jafra Foundation managed to enter four relief vehicles contain a number of food baskets through Babbila checkpoint - Sidi Miqdad, to Yalda area, where they will be distributed to the residents of the Yarmouk refugee camp who were displaced to the adjacent area of Yalda.

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