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Aknaf Bait Al Maqdis Brigades revealed in its Statement a plan to End the Yarmouk Camp and to wipe it from the Palestinian Map

Published : 08-04-2015

Aknaf Bait Al Maqdis Brigades revealed in its Statement a plan to End the Yarmouk Camp and to wipe it from the Palestinian Map

Aknaf brigades issued a statement about ISIS breaking into the Yarmouk camp revealed a scheme was sketched from several direction in order to end the Yarmouk camp and to wipe it from the Palestinian map. The scheme was revealed withing the scenario of ISIS breaking into the camp which justifies a wide military operation to destruct the camp.

Aknaf brigades confirmed in its statement that it seeks since the beginning of preventing ISIS entry into the camp, the thing that provoked the brigades to hold an agreement with Al Nusra Front to neutralize the camp and to protect its residents. However, Al Nusra Front did not abide to the assigned conventions and the agreements between the armed brigades, the Civic Institutions, and the Palestinian Faction, since Al Nusra Front facilitated the entry of ISIS the thing theta besieged Aknaf Brigades on all sides. The statement revealed the names of the brogades and the Palestinian groups that supported ISIS and facilitated its entry.

Aknaf Brigades also noted that ending the Yarmouk camp scheme, began with assassinating activists and relief workers such as Abu Abed Areisha, Abu Ahmed Tirawih and most recently, "Yahya Al-Hourani," known as (Abu Suhaib Hourani).

In addition, it revealed in its statement that Alkarain group is the responsible of the assassination of the activist, "Abu Abed Areisha," while " Abu Ahmed Tirawih " was assassinated by the so-called" Abu Saleh Amer ", while" Yahya Al-Hourani "(Abu Suhaib) was assassinated by" Abu Khalid Aleldawi "the attendant of ISIS commander south of Damascus " Abu Sayah Tayara. "

The statement pointed out that these assassinations targeted the cadres and leaders of the Aknaf Brigades also in the camp.

At the end of the statement Aknaf confirmed that they will continue fighting on the border of the camp until they expelISIS.

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Aknaf brigades issued a statement about ISIS breaking into the Yarmouk camp revealed a scheme was sketched from several direction in order to end the Yarmouk camp and to wipe it from the Palestinian map. The scheme was revealed withing the scenario of ISIS breaking into the camp which justifies a wide military operation to destruct the camp.

Aknaf brigades confirmed in its statement that it seeks since the beginning of preventing ISIS entry into the camp, the thing that provoked the brigades to hold an agreement with Al Nusra Front to neutralize the camp and to protect its residents. However, Al Nusra Front did not abide to the assigned conventions and the agreements between the armed brigades, the Civic Institutions, and the Palestinian Faction, since Al Nusra Front facilitated the entry of ISIS the thing theta besieged Aknaf Brigades on all sides. The statement revealed the names of the brogades and the Palestinian groups that supported ISIS and facilitated its entry.

Aknaf Brigades also noted that ending the Yarmouk camp scheme, began with assassinating activists and relief workers such as Abu Abed Areisha, Abu Ahmed Tirawih and most recently, "Yahya Al-Hourani," known as (Abu Suhaib Hourani).

In addition, it revealed in its statement that Alkarain group is the responsible of the assassination of the activist, "Abu Abed Areisha," while " Abu Ahmed Tirawih " was assassinated by the so-called" Abu Saleh Amer ", while" Yahya Al-Hourani "(Abu Suhaib) was assassinated by" Abu Khalid Aleldawi "the attendant of ISIS commander south of Damascus " Abu Sayah Tayara. "

The statement pointed out that these assassinations targeted the cadres and leaders of the Aknaf Brigades also in the camp.

At the end of the statement Aknaf confirmed that they will continue fighting on the border of the camp until they expelISIS.

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