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Ramadan Meals Provided to Impoverished Palestinians in Qudsaya

Published : 20-05-2019

Ramadan Meals Provided to Impoverished Palestinians in Qudsaya

Fast-breaking meals were provided to 200 Palestinians with special needs, orphans, and children in Qudsaya town, in Rif Dimashq.

Thousands of displaced Palestinian families in Syria continue to set off alarm bells over the lack of basic services and poor infrastructure in and around Palestinian refugee camps and communities. The situation has gone worse due to the high unemployment rates, lack of financial resources, and absence of humanitarian assistance by UNRWA among other relief bodies.

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Fast-breaking meals were provided to 200 Palestinians with special needs, orphans, and children in Qudsaya town, in Rif Dimashq.

Thousands of displaced Palestinian families in Syria continue to set off alarm bells over the lack of basic services and poor infrastructure in and around Palestinian refugee camps and communities. The situation has gone worse due to the high unemployment rates, lack of financial resources, and absence of humanitarian assistance by UNRWA among other relief bodies.

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