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Solidarity Sit-ins with Yarmouk in Palestine, Jordan, Germany, Sweden, And Switzerland.

Published : 10-04-2015

Solidarity Sit-ins with Yarmouk in Palestine, Jordan, Germany, Sweden, And Switzerland.

Many solidarity sit-ins were carried out in Jerusalem, Gaza, Lebanon, Jordan,German Berlin, Swedish Malmo,and Hague in Netherlands to show solidarity with the Palestinian refugees in Yarmouk camp, where protestors renewed their demands to the international institutions and the Palestinian authorities to take urgent action in order to put an end to the suffering its residents.

The Turkish Association for Solidarity with Palestine - Vidar –called for a solidarity sit-in with the besieged camp of Yarmouk on Friday (10th of April 2015) just after Friday prayers in front of the Fatih Mosque in Istanbul.

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Many solidarity sit-ins were carried out in Jerusalem, Gaza, Lebanon, Jordan,German Berlin, Swedish Malmo,and Hague in Netherlands to show solidarity with the Palestinian refugees in Yarmouk camp, where protestors renewed their demands to the international institutions and the Palestinian authorities to take urgent action in order to put an end to the suffering its residents.

The Turkish Association for Solidarity with Palestine - Vidar –called for a solidarity sit-in with the besieged camp of Yarmouk on Friday (10th of April 2015) just after Friday prayers in front of the Fatih Mosque in Istanbul.

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