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Regional and International Organizations Demand the International Society to Take Urgent Actions for Protecting Thousands of Civilians in the Yarmouk Camp.

Published : 10-04-2015

Regional and International Organizations Demand the International Society to Take Urgent Actions for Protecting Thousands of Civilians in the Yarmouk Camp.

A number of regional and international organizations issued a statement in which the demanded the international community to take urgent action to protect thousands of civilians at risk and to alleviate the suffering of vulnerable groups in the Yarmouk Palestinian refugee camp south of Damascus. As well as it urged all conflict parties to fulfill their obligations under international law and ensure the protection of the lives of the civilians trapped in armed confrontations.

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A number of regional and international organizations issued a statement in which the demanded the international community to take urgent action to protect thousands of civilians at risk and to alleviate the suffering of vulnerable groups in the Yarmouk Palestinian refugee camp south of Damascus. As well as it urged all conflict parties to fulfill their obligations under international law and ensure the protection of the lives of the civilians trapped in armed confrontations.

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