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UN Secretary-General: Yarmouk Camp Turned into Hell; its Residents Need More Protection and Cannot be Abandoned .

Published : 10-04-2015

UN Secretary-General: Yarmouk Camp Turned into Hell; its Residents Need More Protection and Cannot be Abandoned .


Ban Ki-Moon, the UN secretary-general, described the Palestinian refugee camp to the south of the capital Damascus in a press conference on 9th of April 2015 as "the deepest circle of hell" in Syria's four-year-long civil war. Ban Ki- Moon continued that the residents of Yarmouk camp need protection "What is unfolding in Yarmouk is unacceptable and we simply cannot stand by and watch a massacre unfold." the UN secretary-general said. He also said that there are 18000 Palestinians under the siege inside the camp who, who have already suffered through a devastating, two-year government siege, starvation and disease.

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Ban Ki-Moon, the UN secretary-general, described the Palestinian refugee camp to the south of the capital Damascus in a press conference on 9th of April 2015 as "the deepest circle of hell" in Syria's four-year-long civil war. Ban Ki- Moon continued that the residents of Yarmouk camp need protection "What is unfolding in Yarmouk is unacceptable and we simply cannot stand by and watch a massacre unfold." the UN secretary-general said. He also said that there are 18000 Palestinians under the siege inside the camp who, who have already suffered through a devastating, two-year government siege, starvation and disease.

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