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Explosive Barrels TargetYarmouk Camp and the only Hospital in it.

Published : 10-04-2015

Explosive Barrels TargetYarmouk Camp and the only Hospital in it.

Great destruction caused by the heavy shelling and the explosive barrels that targeted the Yarmouk Camp in Damascus, which lasted until the early morning hours and led to large destruction of Palestine hospital and the surrounding buildings. It is noteworthy that Palestine Hospital is the only hospital who was working inside the camp over the past months.

Shelling was renewed, as a rocket targeted the vicinity of Al Rija square which led to material damages within the area. Meanwhile, a Palestinian refugee died by sniper shot, bringing the death toll in Yarmouk since ISIS broke into it to (23) victims, while the young man, "Salim al-Saadi" shot in the chest and was critically injured.

It is noteworthy that heavy shelling targeted the camp yesterday since the explosive barrels and rockets continued until the early morning hours causing at least "15" explosions leaving significant damage in buildings and property, including massive destruction inPalestine Hospital.

On the other hand, dozens of ISIS members withdraw to Al Hajar Al Aswad area adjacent to the camp amid reports talk about their intention to withdraw from the Yarmouk camp and handing areas of its control to Al Nusra Front.

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Great destruction caused by the heavy shelling and the explosive barrels that targeted the Yarmouk Camp in Damascus, which lasted until the early morning hours and led to large destruction of Palestine hospital and the surrounding buildings. It is noteworthy that Palestine Hospital is the only hospital who was working inside the camp over the past months.

Shelling was renewed, as a rocket targeted the vicinity of Al Rija square which led to material damages within the area. Meanwhile, a Palestinian refugee died by sniper shot, bringing the death toll in Yarmouk since ISIS broke into it to (23) victims, while the young man, "Salim al-Saadi" shot in the chest and was critically injured.

It is noteworthy that heavy shelling targeted the camp yesterday since the explosive barrels and rockets continued until the early morning hours causing at least "15" explosions leaving significant damage in buildings and property, including massive destruction inPalestine Hospital.

On the other hand, dozens of ISIS members withdraw to Al Hajar Al Aswad area adjacent to the camp amid reports talk about their intention to withdraw from the Yarmouk camp and handing areas of its control to Al Nusra Front.

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