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Charity Committees Continue Distributing Relief Aid to the Displaced Residents of Yarmouk

Published : 11-04-2015

Charity Committees Continue Distributing Relief Aid to the Displaced Residents of Yarmouk

The Charity Commission for the Relief of the Palestinian People and number of organizations distributed food meals to a number of displaced families from the Yarmouk Camp in Zainab Al Helaleyya School, where they distributed food meals and sweets on more than 100 people. It is worth to mention that about 975 families left Yarmouk Camp to Yelda town and Beit Sahem, which surround the Yarmouk camp, due to the ISIS incursion to the camp and bombing with explosive barrels and rockets.

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The Charity Commission for the Relief of the Palestinian People and number of organizations distributed food meals to a number of displaced families from the Yarmouk Camp in Zainab Al Helaleyya School, where they distributed food meals and sweets on more than 100 people. It is worth to mention that about 975 families left Yarmouk Camp to Yelda town and Beit Sahem, which surround the Yarmouk camp, due to the ISIS incursion to the camp and bombing with explosive barrels and rockets.

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