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Solidarity Sit-ins with Yarmouk in Istanbul, Algeria, and Calls for Protesting in Sweden

Published : 11-04-2015

Solidarity Sit-ins with Yarmouk in Istanbul, Algeria, and Calls for Protesting in Sweden

Hundreds of Palestinians of Syrian, the Arab Community members and the Turkish People participated in the solidarity sit-in that was organized by Arab and Turkish organizations in solidarity with Yarmouk camp after Friday prayer in front of Fatih Mosque in Istanbul Turkey.

The Sit-in ,which was called to by Fedar, Waqf society and the Association of Muslims Scholars, included speeches that stressed on the necessity to immediately interfere to stop the bloodshed in the Yarmouk camp and driving the armed groups out of the camp and returning the residents back. It is mentioned that about 3000 to 5000 Palestinian refugees escaped due to the ongoing war in Syria where they were distributed on a number of Turkish Cities.

 In a related context, the displaced Palestinians of Syria refugees in Sedi Faraj camp in Algeria organized a solidarity sit-in with the besieged residents of Yarmouk Camp southern of Damascus. The Protestors raised banners that demand to stop the killing inside the camp and to open a safe pathway to enter water, food and medicine to the camp and getting the residents out of the killing circle. They also appealed the Arab League and the United Nations to protect the Palestinian camps and to rescue the Palestinian people and they also condemn the ISIS incursion to Yarmouk Camp. It is mentioned that Sedi Faraj camp is located in the capital of Algeria and includes a number of Palestinians of Syria refugees who escaped from the hell of the ongoing war in Syria.

Some organizations and commissions in Sweden called for a protest against the aggression and siege of Yarmouk Camp and to support the besieged people, in Helstonbury in Sweden on Saturday 11th of April at 14:00 pm.

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Hundreds of Palestinians of Syrian, the Arab Community members and the Turkish People participated in the solidarity sit-in that was organized by Arab and Turkish organizations in solidarity with Yarmouk camp after Friday prayer in front of Fatih Mosque in Istanbul Turkey.

The Sit-in ,which was called to by Fedar, Waqf society and the Association of Muslims Scholars, included speeches that stressed on the necessity to immediately interfere to stop the bloodshed in the Yarmouk camp and driving the armed groups out of the camp and returning the residents back. It is mentioned that about 3000 to 5000 Palestinian refugees escaped due to the ongoing war in Syria where they were distributed on a number of Turkish Cities.

 In a related context, the displaced Palestinians of Syria refugees in Sedi Faraj camp in Algeria organized a solidarity sit-in with the besieged residents of Yarmouk Camp southern of Damascus. The Protestors raised banners that demand to stop the killing inside the camp and to open a safe pathway to enter water, food and medicine to the camp and getting the residents out of the killing circle. They also appealed the Arab League and the United Nations to protect the Palestinian camps and to rescue the Palestinian people and they also condemn the ISIS incursion to Yarmouk Camp. It is mentioned that Sedi Faraj camp is located in the capital of Algeria and includes a number of Palestinians of Syria refugees who escaped from the hell of the ongoing war in Syria.

Some organizations and commissions in Sweden called for a protest against the aggression and siege of Yarmouk Camp and to support the besieged people, in Helstonbury in Sweden on Saturday 11th of April at 14:00 pm.

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