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Health Conditions Continue to Deteriorate in Yarmouk amid Severe Shortage of Food Supplies

Published : 11-04-2015

Health Conditions Continue to Deteriorate in Yarmouk amid Severe Shortage of Food Supplies

Many residents and relief activists inside the camp renewed their refusal towards any military intervention because of the danger it posed to the lives of about "18" thousand civilians inside the besieged camp.

On the other hand, media reported conflicting news issued by PLO members between support and rejection of a military solution in the Yarmouk refugee camp.

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Many residents and relief activists inside the camp renewed their refusal towards any military intervention because of the danger it posed to the lives of about "18" thousand civilians inside the besieged camp.

On the other hand, media reported conflicting news issued by PLO members between support and rejection of a military solution in the Yarmouk refugee camp.

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