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Displaced Families in Jaramana Camp Rail against Bread Dearth

Published : 08-08-2019

Displaced Families in Jaramana Camp Rail against Bread Dearth

Residents of Jaramana Camp for Palestinian refugees in Rif Dimashq spoke out against the poor-quality of bread sold in the area.

The residents said they have been forced to lineup outside of the local oven for hours in order to get a loaf of bread. Dozens of families have been forced to walk for several kilometers to fetch bread for their starved children.

The locals said bread is unfit for human consumption, holding the government’s control staff responsible for the crisis. Others spoke out against the insufficient quantity allotted to the camp, saying shopkeepers have been buying large quantities of bread and selling it to civilians at high prices.

Residents of Jaramana Camp, located a few kilometers away from central Damascus, continue to set off alarm bells over the lack of basic services and dire socio-economic conditions rocking the area as a result of the steep rental fees, high rates of unemployment, and price hike.

The absence of relief assistance by UNRWA and other humanitarian institutions has made life unbearable in Jaramana Camp.

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Residents of Jaramana Camp for Palestinian refugees in Rif Dimashq spoke out against the poor-quality of bread sold in the area.

The residents said they have been forced to lineup outside of the local oven for hours in order to get a loaf of bread. Dozens of families have been forced to walk for several kilometers to fetch bread for their starved children.

The locals said bread is unfit for human consumption, holding the government’s control staff responsible for the crisis. Others spoke out against the insufficient quantity allotted to the camp, saying shopkeepers have been buying large quantities of bread and selling it to civilians at high prices.

Residents of Jaramana Camp, located a few kilometers away from central Damascus, continue to set off alarm bells over the lack of basic services and dire socio-economic conditions rocking the area as a result of the steep rental fees, high rates of unemployment, and price hike.

The absence of relief assistance by UNRWA and other humanitarian institutions has made life unbearable in Jaramana Camp.

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