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120 Palestinian Students from Syria Honored in Istanbul

Published : 09-08-2019

120 Palestinian Students from Syria Honored in Istanbul

A celebration was held by Khayra Ummah organization to pay tribute to 120 orphan Palestinian students from Syria and 30 Syrian orphans seeking shelter in Istanbul.

The celebration was held in recognition of the exhaustive efforts made by refugees from Syria and the outstanding results they have achieved despite of the hurdles inflicted by the war in Syria.

Cash donations and in-kind gifts were distributed to the participants at the event.

Nearly 2,400 Palestinian families from Syria have sought shelter in Turkey, including 1,200 families in Istanbul, where they have been facing an abject situation.

Recently, Turkish police stepped down crackdowns and abduction sweeps, targeting irregular migrants and non-holders of the kimlik visa card in Istanbul.

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A celebration was held by Khayra Ummah organization to pay tribute to 120 orphan Palestinian students from Syria and 30 Syrian orphans seeking shelter in Istanbul.

The celebration was held in recognition of the exhaustive efforts made by refugees from Syria and the outstanding results they have achieved despite of the hurdles inflicted by the war in Syria.

Cash donations and in-kind gifts were distributed to the participants at the event.

Nearly 2,400 Palestinian families from Syria have sought shelter in Turkey, including 1,200 families in Istanbul, where they have been facing an abject situation.

Recently, Turkish police stepped down crackdowns and abduction sweeps, targeting irregular migrants and non-holders of the kimlik visa card in Istanbul.

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