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UNRWA Commissioner-General and Deputy Secretary-General of the UN in Syria to follow up on the Yarmouk Crisis

Published : 12-04-2015

UNRWA Commissioner-General and Deputy Secretary-General of the UN in Syria to follow up on the Yarmouk Crisis

UNRWA announced yesterday that Commissioner-General Pierre Krähenbühl is undertaking an urgent mission to Syria today, 11th of April 2015, The visit is prompted by UNRWA's deepening concerns for the safety and protection of some 18,000 Palestinian and Syrian civilians, including 3,500 children, as Yarmouk remains under the control of armed groups, and as civilian lives continue to be threatened by the effects of the armed conflict in the area. The objectives of the Commissioner-General's visit are: to consult with the Government of Syria on its perspectives, and to exchange views on peaceful approaches to addressing the humanitarian consequences of the situation in Yarmouk; to consult with the Deputy UN Special Envoy on approaches to non-state actors in order to secure humanitarian access to civilians. to consult with the Deputy Special Envoy and other UN colleagues on the UN's role with particular reference to feasible humanitarian action to support civilians in Yarmouk under all circumstances

Secretary-General of the United Nations deputy, RamzyEzzedinRamzy, arrived in Damascus to discuss with Syrian government about the humanitarian crisis in Yarmouk.

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UNRWA announced yesterday that Commissioner-General Pierre Krähenbühl is undertaking an urgent mission to Syria today, 11th of April 2015, The visit is prompted by UNRWA's deepening concerns for the safety and protection of some 18,000 Palestinian and Syrian civilians, including 3,500 children, as Yarmouk remains under the control of armed groups, and as civilian lives continue to be threatened by the effects of the armed conflict in the area. The objectives of the Commissioner-General's visit are: to consult with the Government of Syria on its perspectives, and to exchange views on peaceful approaches to addressing the humanitarian consequences of the situation in Yarmouk; to consult with the Deputy UN Special Envoy on approaches to non-state actors in order to secure humanitarian access to civilians. to consult with the Deputy Special Envoy and other UN colleagues on the UN's role with particular reference to feasible humanitarian action to support civilians in Yarmouk under all circumstances

Secretary-General of the United Nations deputy, RamzyEzzedinRamzy, arrived in Damascus to discuss with Syrian government about the humanitarian crisis in Yarmouk.

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