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Sit-ins in Lebanon, Germany, and Ireland in Solidarity with Yarmouk

Published : 14-04-2015

Sit-ins in Lebanon, Germany, and Ireland in Solidarity with Yarmouk

Palestinians of Syria Committee in Lebanon and Palestinian workers League Participated in a solidarity vigil with Yarmouk Camp that was held yesterday, Monday, 13th of April 2015 in front of the UNRWA Services Director Office in the city of Sidon southern Lebanon.

The sit-in included banners of solidarity with the Palestinian people in the camps in Syria and the refugee camp of Yarmouk, statement by the People's Committees of the Alliance of Palestinian forces in the city of Sidon, and the number of speeches which called all parties to neutralize the Palestinian refugee camps in Syria.

Protestors demanded to stop the bloodshed in Yarmouk, to end the siege, and to open safe humanitarian corridors to enter the medical and food aid immediately.

In the end of the sit-in, Director of UNRWA Services Office in the city of Sidon received a memorandum from the members of the People's Committees of the Alliance of Palestinian Forces.

Moreover, another solidarity sit-ins toke place in Ireland and the German capital Berlin which were organized by number of Palestinian refugees in solidarity with their families in the Yarmouk refugee camp.

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Palestinians of Syria Committee in Lebanon and Palestinian workers League Participated in a solidarity vigil with Yarmouk Camp that was held yesterday, Monday, 13th of April 2015 in front of the UNRWA Services Director Office in the city of Sidon southern Lebanon.

The sit-in included banners of solidarity with the Palestinian people in the camps in Syria and the refugee camp of Yarmouk, statement by the People's Committees of the Alliance of Palestinian forces in the city of Sidon, and the number of speeches which called all parties to neutralize the Palestinian refugee camps in Syria.

Protestors demanded to stop the bloodshed in Yarmouk, to end the siege, and to open safe humanitarian corridors to enter the medical and food aid immediately.

In the end of the sit-in, Director of UNRWA Services Office in the city of Sidon received a memorandum from the members of the People's Committees of the Alliance of Palestinian Forces.

Moreover, another solidarity sit-ins toke place in Ireland and the German capital Berlin which were organized by number of Palestinian refugees in solidarity with their families in the Yarmouk refugee camp.

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