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Nour Association for Relief and Development, and Jafra Foundation Continue Entering Food Aid to the Residents of Yarmouk

Published : 14-04-2015

Nour Association for Relief and Development, and Jafra Foundation Continue Entering Food Aid to the Residents of Yarmouk

Jafra Foundation and Nour Association for Relief and Development managed to introduce new quantities of relief materials to the regions of Yalda and Beit Sahem in order to be distributed to the people of the Yarmouk refugee camp who are displaced to those regions as a result of ISIS breaking into the camp since the beginning of April, as well as the shelling  and the violent clashes between Aknaf and ISIS alongside Al Nusra Front.

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Jafra Foundation and Nour Association for Relief and Development managed to introduce new quantities of relief materials to the regions of Yalda and Beit Sahem in order to be distributed to the people of the Yarmouk refugee camp who are displaced to those regions as a result of ISIS breaking into the camp since the beginning of April, as well as the shelling  and the violent clashes between Aknaf and ISIS alongside Al Nusra Front.

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