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Situation of Palestinian Refugees in AlMuzeireeb Exacerbated by Lake Drought

Published : 24-09-2019

Situation of Palestinian Refugees in AlMuzeireeb Exacerbated by Lake Drought

Hundreds of displaced Palestinian families in AlMzeireeb town, south of Syria, have been grappling with an acute dearth in drinking water after the local lake–the sole water supplier for hundreds of families in the area—has dried out as a result of the uncontrolled excavation of artesian water wells.

The residents warned of the repercussions of such a phenomenon on the local fauna and flora. Poor hygiene and insect propagation have made the situation worse.

AlMuzeireeb is home to 1,700 Palestinian families, who have been enduring dire conditions due to the high rates of unemployment and price surge.

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Hundreds of displaced Palestinian families in AlMzeireeb town, south of Syria, have been grappling with an acute dearth in drinking water after the local lake–the sole water supplier for hundreds of families in the area—has dried out as a result of the uncontrolled excavation of artesian water wells.

The residents warned of the repercussions of such a phenomenon on the local fauna and flora. Poor hygiene and insect propagation have made the situation worse.

AlMuzeireeb is home to 1,700 Palestinian families, who have been enduring dire conditions due to the high rates of unemployment and price surge.

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