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Palestinian Refugee Ahmed Amoura Forcibly Disappeared in Syria since 2012

Published : 15-10-2019

Palestinian Refugee Ahmed Amoura Forcibly Disappeared in Syria since 2012

Palestinian refugee Ahmed Amoura has been secretly held in Syrian government jails for the 7th consecutive year.

Ahmed was arrested at a government checkpoint near Dumar area, in Damascus, on December 10, 2012. His condition and whereabouts remain unknown.

AGPS documented the secret incarceration of 1,768 Palestinian refugees in Syrian state-run lock-ups, among them 108 women and girls.

AGPS continues to call on the Syrian government to disclose the fate of hundreds of Palestinians forcibly disappeared in state dungeons.

AGPS believes that the arbitrary internment of Palestinian refugees in war-torn Syria amounts to a war crime.

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Palestinian refugee Ahmed Amoura has been secretly held in Syrian government jails for the 7th consecutive year.

Ahmed was arrested at a government checkpoint near Dumar area, in Damascus, on December 10, 2012. His condition and whereabouts remain unknown.

AGPS documented the secret incarceration of 1,768 Palestinian refugees in Syrian state-run lock-ups, among them 108 women and girls.

AGPS continues to call on the Syrian government to disclose the fate of hundreds of Palestinians forcibly disappeared in state dungeons.

AGPS believes that the arbitrary internment of Palestinian refugees in war-torn Syria amounts to a war crime.

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