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Aknaf Brigades Advance to South of Yarmouk.

Published : 16-04-2015

Aknaf Brigades Advance to South of Yarmouk.

A significant progress made by Aknaf Brigades on the north side of the Yarmouk refugee camp, after violent clashes between Aknaf alongside Palestinian groups and ISIS alongside Al Nusra Front at  the axis of Jalal Kawash Street and the vicinity of Salah al-Din Mosque. The AGPS reporter emphasized that the defense line of ISIS in that region has collapsed, and they were forced to retreat to areas inside the camp.

In the same context, the PFGC and Fatah al-Intifada announced control of the Palestinian committees over Al Rija Square and on the opposite side near Yarmouk district court, as they advanced in-Loubia Street and its surrounding lanes.

UNRWA issued a press release about the last visit of Commissioner-General of UNRWA, "Pierre Krenpol" to Syria and its results, where the statement pointed out that the Commissioner-General of UNRWA in Syria searched the mechanisms of resuming the distribution of remaining civilians in the Yarmouk camp or those who are unable to leave it. The discussion also addressed  ways to ensure the safe exit for those civilians wishing to leave the Yarmouk temporarily and expand the humanitarian response to those civilians from Yarmouk who arrived at areas  located exactly along the camp.

As UNRWA confirmed in a statement that the situation in the Yarmouk refugee camp remains critical for thousands of civilians, and stressed that they will follow the developments in the coming days and will spare no effort to find ways to help the civilians inside the Yarmouk and continue to improve the causes of support for those who have fled from the camp.

In the meantime the residents of Yarmouk south of the Syrian capital Damascusare complaining of the Syrian army checkpoint practices and the Palestinian groups loyal to it; such as public theft and looting, although a large number of youth volunteered in different groups loyal to the Syrian regime.

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A significant progress made by Aknaf Brigades on the north side of the Yarmouk refugee camp, after violent clashes between Aknaf alongside Palestinian groups and ISIS alongside Al Nusra Front at  the axis of Jalal Kawash Street and the vicinity of Salah al-Din Mosque. The AGPS reporter emphasized that the defense line of ISIS in that region has collapsed, and they were forced to retreat to areas inside the camp.

In the same context, the PFGC and Fatah al-Intifada announced control of the Palestinian committees over Al Rija Square and on the opposite side near Yarmouk district court, as they advanced in-Loubia Street and its surrounding lanes.

UNRWA issued a press release about the last visit of Commissioner-General of UNRWA, "Pierre Krenpol" to Syria and its results, where the statement pointed out that the Commissioner-General of UNRWA in Syria searched the mechanisms of resuming the distribution of remaining civilians in the Yarmouk camp or those who are unable to leave it. The discussion also addressed  ways to ensure the safe exit for those civilians wishing to leave the Yarmouk temporarily and expand the humanitarian response to those civilians from Yarmouk who arrived at areas  located exactly along the camp.

As UNRWA confirmed in a statement that the situation in the Yarmouk refugee camp remains critical for thousands of civilians, and stressed that they will follow the developments in the coming days and will spare no effort to find ways to help the civilians inside the Yarmouk and continue to improve the causes of support for those who have fled from the camp.

In the meantime the residents of Yarmouk south of the Syrian capital Damascusare complaining of the Syrian army checkpoint practices and the Palestinian groups loyal to it; such as public theft and looting, although a large number of youth volunteered in different groups loyal to the Syrian regime.

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