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Victims and Injuries after the Bombing of Zakia-Khan AL Shieh Road.

Published : 17-04-2015

Victims and Injuries after the Bombing of Zakia-Khan AL Shieh Road.

In Damascus suburb, heavy shelling andheavy gunfire targeted "Zakia - Khan Al Shieh" road, where Shilka tanks of the Syrian regime opened fire against the road during the presence of dozens of residents, which led to a number of injuries amid reports about victims. The shelling coincided with heavy shelling targeted the town of Zakiaand the neighboring areas.

It is noteworthy that "Zakia - Khan Al Shieh" is the only way for the remaining people in Yarmouk which they can access the capital Damascus, after the Syrian regime closed all other roads, which reflected negatively on the lives of the people, as most basic materials were lost, where other materials' prices have risen dramatically.

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In Damascus suburb, heavy shelling andheavy gunfire targeted "Zakia - Khan Al Shieh" road, where Shilka tanks of the Syrian regime opened fire against the road during the presence of dozens of residents, which led to a number of injuries amid reports about victims. The shelling coincided with heavy shelling targeted the town of Zakiaand the neighboring areas.

It is noteworthy that "Zakia - Khan Al Shieh" is the only way for the remaining people in Yarmouk which they can access the capital Damascus, after the Syrian regime closed all other roads, which reflected negatively on the lives of the people, as most basic materials were lost, where other materials' prices have risen dramatically.

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